Comments On This Meanwhile In Picture
Wild Snorlax appears!
Are there also "meanwhile in america"-photos without fat people?
Haters gonna hate!
Why are they smiling
kinda... extremely creepy?! xD
America: No matter how deeply fucked up you are, just keep smiling!
You gotta spread the wealth around..ah, hope and change,...and uh, free health care for all! -Obama. Meanwhile, in reality, you stupid smucks out there must pay for this fat ass's ability to eat everything in sight, nurse care, construction equipment, hospital visits, food stamps (lots of) and whatever the fuck else liberals deem rightfully belonging to this fat bitch.
Smiles all around!
This is pathetic. Cranes being used for people? Please just nuke us...
Is it me, or is that lifter about to break?
i almost puked
They had to use a forklift when she broke her rascal.
Broken bed in 3..2..
Happy to be flabby?
Wild Snorlax appears!