Comments On This Meanwhile In Picture
Borat funeral.
I say!
so glad to see that europe is mature and civil.... what am i talking about this is fucking funny
Non-chemical substitute for Syrup of Ipecac.
Europe is great ...
correction: meanwhile in my nightmares
dat ass
As a european i find this offensively accurate
Small junk
and everyone keeps talking about how fat Americans are....
Europe... for the highly cultured people
Things that make you go...OMG MY EYES!! QUICK BURN IT OUT!
lulz this isn't America, in America, if you wore that, you'd be shot the second you left your house.
this is going to haunt me in my dreams now nightmares, forever
Amish summer
Try-outs for the European version of "So You Think You Can Dance" drag on into month 6
and everyone keeps talking about how fat Americans are....
Europeans are more cultured than Americans, that's a fact... I think this picture has been took in mmmm... Washington, or Seattle, or... oh, maybe England, yes.
These guys have a lot of tattoos on them. I'm really not thinking they are from Europe.
and everyone keeps talking about how fat Americans are....
and everyone keeps talking about how fat Americans are....
Oh my god, that is TASTEFUL!
and everyone keeps talking about how fat Americans are....
Correction. Meanwhile in Boston
Borat funeral.