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Polish Car-jackers?
These are the shittiest cars ever, but of course its build by fiat... and they arent actually stealing it, its definitively broken. but they are stupid cause you could carry it alone, it only weights like 2 kilo
Dabrowski family in Poland have come with up a revolutionary idea never will buy fuel again, its simple, ''No Engine, happy driving!''.
shittiest car ever.. possibly, but according to us poles, you can drive it backwards, only on two wheels, put a bigass engine in it and race with a porsche and fit 12 people in it :D look on youtube
''Oh my God! how are we going to get to the party now, the SAT NAV is not receiving signals here''.
I am from poland, and i have a fiat 125p. In 4 we can pick up him. This is very light car. (890 kg in registration certificate).
Everything that's steel-made can be stolen to sell at junkyard up there, true. But... Only 12 people? On Stasiek's birthday we all took into his 126p - all 17 of us. And the record is 22 people. The Fiat "Maluch" (The Tiny) 126p is the best truck in history. It can carry a cow or whole barell of fresh concrete :D
Polish Car-jackers?