Comments On This Meanwhile In Picture
how is this funny?! take this down, it is very offensive.
Free speech you fags
The op of this is one sick fuck
Hey,you bastards thought this was funny?Do you know how many of these soldiers died out there for us? How would you like to burn in hell for laughing,bitches? ...I'm a girl. :P
This isn't really that funny. :/
Lol it actually looks like someone was arrested and sat down beside the truck. See the coat covering his hands? thats what police do when they arrest someone from office buildings. Maybe he was an office worker getting arrested for a dui
please remove this picture... don't laught of victims of war!
Humor is usually dark and makes fun of bad situations. Learn something once and a while
Why's he just sitting there with a bunch of bacon on his lap?
actually, making fun of victims like this makes you fry in hell, m0f0!
So much butthurt...
What the hell makes you think he's a terrorist? Just because he looks like someone of middle eastern descent does NOT make him a terrorist. Nice racial profiling, fucktard, i hope you choke on your own bile.
how is this funny?! take this down, it is very offensive.