Comments On This Meanwhile In Picture
Excuse me, good man. I am in quite a bad mood. I would rather you remove your horse from my path or I shall have to resort to unpleasant methods. Crumpets.
Amercans are idiots, half of them couldn't even point the uk out on a globe let alone tell you anything about it as a country or it's people.
so the riots were all about this little 5yr old girl that was paralysed for life after getting shot by some drug dealing scum with an illegal fire-arm? it wasn't? was i close??
go forth my noble steed
"OH MY GOD Your ass is in MY FACE"
Cowboys And Indians
i vote for the horse, not the chav.
so the riots were all about this little 5yr old girl that was paralysed for life after getting shot by some drug dealing scum with an illegal fire-arm? it wasn't? was i close??
Excuse me, good man. I am in quite a bad mood. I would rather you remove your horse from my path or I shall have to resort to unpleasant methods. Crumpets.