Comments On This Meanwhile In Picture
He killed people withing giving them a chance, why does he get one?
this is not even to joke about you fuckin asshole who posted this!
he killed 77 teenagers, i hope he will burn in hell.
I hope he gets r aped everyday by a large black man. Have fun in jail fuktard.
THE Guy talks about pilgrims hè never played assassins creed
He is the terrorist who killed 69 teenagers at a Youth Camp. So nice job saying he's your hero...
stand your ground fail
He wanted to go to jail you idiots. (Probably to meet certain people.) And one of the history's biggest mass-murderers (doing the deed singlehandedly), and consecutively one of the planets most dangerous people - who's already got the worst sentence he could get - is not going to get raped or hurt by anybody. He's the one people will be afraid of, and who will do whatever the **** pleases him. (You think he has issues killing people in jail of all places?)
I hope he drowns in a sea of piss
Why even post this image? And shut the fuck up saying he's a hero!!
I don't get it
good ideas, wrong finish. He was agaisnt the islamization of Norway and Im not blaming him. The threat is real.
He killed people withing giving them a chance, why does he get one?